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Once again we find Duke on the set of a popular TV show. After trying Oprah and being abducted by aliens for it, he thought he\'d go on Dr Phil\'s show this time. But trouble always seems to find our hero; the show got raided by a bunch of soldiers claming to be from some "Crusade of Eternity"!These guys sound more like they\'re from "The Cult of Eternity"; they\'re offering a way for people to live forever. It doesn\'t matter much though, these assholes messed up Duke\'s show and now he\'s out to get them. Which is pretty convenient since this cult has that world-conquest feel about them.This is a platform-shooter where you use the mouse to shoot and aim: *play with powerful and feature filled weapons! *drop or pick up these weapons as you please! *destroy your enemies with dominant combat vehicles! *fight challenging "AI" across 12 exciting, action packed, levels!Just so its 100% Clear, this is a fan game project, by me and has absolutely no direct connections with 3dRealms/Apogee. This game will be 100% free. Duke Nukem is owned by 3dRealms/Apogee.