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Author Topic: F-Zero GX  (Read 1110 times)

Offline Eiksirf
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F-Zero GX
« Reply #15 on: September 19, 2003, 06:11:35 PM »
I\'ll chip in just to brag. ;]

I\'ve been tinkering with the cars.  I made two, but neither bests the Blue Falcon yet.

I\'ve completed all the courses on novice and standard, and the first two on expert.  I beat the story mode the other day and have been going after the hard and, on occasion, very hard modes for the story levels to unlock more stuff.

It\'s fun, but I don\'t imagine being able to unlock the AX courses.  You\'ve not only got to open the Master difficulty (I\'m confident I\'ll get that), but you have to beat it.  

Looks like after a while I\'ll have to take my memory card and head for the arcade.  Ooh.

[Japanese accent]Coh-neck-tiv-it-ee[/accent]

\"What are you supposed to be, a clown or something?\"


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