Am I the only person who has this game?
figured there would be a post by now...
Anyway, I\'ve only played it briefly so I\'ll give you my impressions.
The graphics are drop dead gorgeous, full of character and flash. The environments are packed with little detail that makes for some really nice eye candy. Couple that with the locked in 60fps and your eyes will melt with\'s very slick.
The gameplay is all about F-Zero. I\'m extremely impressed with the job Amusement Vision has done keeping the feel of old F-Zero...this even feels a bit faster though:D Very tight, responsive...exactly what you\'d expect being a F-Zero veteran.
Right off the bat you have access to 15 tracks in the Practice mode and Grand Prix mode. They are divided into cups I believe, 5 tracks to a cup. Each track getting more difficult to pilot, not to mention the competition gets pretty mean at times.
As you\'ve probably read in a review, the game is about memorization and quick reflexes. Not only do you have to pilot your craft going at ungodly speeds, but you have to deal with your shield energy, opponents knocking into you, and obstacles on the courses (sometimes moving). It\'s a blast to play though!
The story mode is a bit different. You follow through with Captian Falcon and earn points as you complete objectives. You then go to the F-Zero shop and buy the next chapter. You\'ll enjoy, or loathe, the FMV\'s in between each chapter then have to complete some task. The first is to collect capsules in under 80 seconds, the second is to race one foe while giant boulders fall on the track...haven\'t gotten any further than that.
Overall, I\'m impressed and having some fun with it. It\'s a bit difficult but if you\'re up to a challenge you should get yourself frustrated with F-Zero.
Well, that\'s all I\'ll put for now. Anyone else pick this up?