I\'m sick of reading about how some kid killed 10 people with his dads gun,cause he played "Vice City" 30 mins earlier.
Kurt,I agree.
If the games company were responsible then they would take the game off the shelves,but who in their right minds thinks that someone sits there at say,Rockstar and says "lets make a violent game,where it will influence some punk ass 10 year old to murder his parents and stael their car and run over the family cat"
Its not the game,its the irresponsibilty of the people who play them.They think it\'s "cool" to kill a prostitute on Vice City or Steal A Car on The Getaway.
I love playing the GTA series,among other violent games,but I play them for the gameplay and the humor,but I\'m not sick and twisted for playing them.
A guy at where I used to work,calls people "Small Minded Pricks" cause they play games like The Getaway or GTA 3 etc.
His boss said he was the "Small Minded Prick" for saying that.