Dude leaves briefcase on car.
Dude has thousands of euros in it.
Euros fly out.
Dude who picks up Euros could be charged with Larceny?
Shouldn\'t he be applauded for cleaning up the litter? If someone through a BK cup out a window and I stopped and picked it up, would I be charged or applauded? Only difference is the worth of the two different items.
Raining cash sparks traffic jam
From correspondents in Berlin
September 4, 2003
IT began raining cash on the German autobahn, leading to a major traffic jam and road closure, police said.
A 42-year-old motorist left a briefcase full of tens of thousands of euros in cash on the roof of his car and drove off onto the highway in the western city of Bochum, sending the bills flying.
Because drivers stopped their vehicles in the middle of the road to collect the money, the autobahn was blocked for about 10 minutes.
Of the original sum, police were only able to recover about 3,000 euros.
The briefcase was missing and police were searching for a man who was seen collecting dozens of "brightly colored notes" on the highway.
A police spokesman said the man could be charged with larceny for not reporting the find.
It was not clear why the driver had such a large sum of cash with him.