Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
LIC, my best friends mum is a nurse, and the stories she can tell you about the stupid ass things people do to themselves is just mortifying. Like the guy who tried to slit his piss slit (forgot the proper name of this mod) just for the sake of it. He ended up screwing it up and lost quite a bit of nerves in the head of his penis.
LIC, medical doctors frown uppon body mods cause the know just how badly they can turn out sometimes.
I never said an eyebrow ring was any different, it is, however, lower in risk as apposed to other more difficult and dangerous piercings, thats why its certainly more common.
Anyway, what mods do you have on your entire body? Are you into scarring or painting?
A Hafadas is a very low risk piercing, yet you mentioned it. It\'s almost as low as the eyebrow piercing.
I\'ve had...
Bridge of Nose (Twice)
Eyebrow (Both)
Two Tongue piercings
Frenums (Three)
Labret (bottom lip)
Medusa (Upper Lip)
One Tattoo
Ear lobes (Eight Guage)
Both nipples (eight guage - strechted myself)
Ear Catrlidge
The list goes on and on. And I have been interested in getting forearm implants and at one time, thought about splitting my tongue, but decided against it. Forearm implants are still a possible venture eventually though.
I never said things can\'t go wrong - things can. Yes, some modfiications are more risky than others. I never argued that. I just argued that they are all someone\'s personal right. Yes, if you split your tongue or your penis, you take a risk of damage.
Obivously, body modification is not for everyone. It\'s a personal choice and right. I just see no point in classifying one as self mutiliation and another form as "art". It\'s all "art" , if you want it to be. And what may be mutilation to you, may be the greatest thing to someone else.
Just shows that you do need some sort of medical or anatomical knowledge to carry out such procedures.
Thanks, Mr.Obvious! Every body piercing takes some knowledge of anatomical and medical. I know this, as I was close to taking up an appertinceship in body piercing, only stopped because it does not pay enough for my "life style".