Petty theft is petty theft whether you punch a few keys or blow off the door to a safe. Fact of the matter is, whether it\'s easy or not does not diminish the fact that you committed a crime. I suppose there\'s a difference between me running someone over with a motorcycle as opposed to using a train right? I suppose I should only get a few years in prison because I used a bike, a rather less severe weapon, as opposed to a train which guaranteed certain doom where I would get a lethal injection?
The context of the crime may lessen the amount of justice applied. For example, a man stealing a loaf of bread for his starving family which, for the sake of arguement, costs 17.99 a loaf as opposed to a guy who steals a 17.99 cd for his own personal enjoyment. The crimes are the same, but the context in which they are committed allows jury\'s and the courts to be far more merciful in the long run provided you confess and allow the justice system to play its part.
Look, I\'m not trying to defend the RIAA here, but some of you honestly think that because the prices are high on a piece of entertainment, that stealing is perfectly alright and because it is easier nowadays thanks to the digital age we live in, the crime is somehow less severe. That is simply not the case. I am definitely against the high prices of CD\'s and against bands who are already paid well enough whether their CD sells or not, but I\'m not going to delude myself into thinking that because I stole a few songs off the Internet that I am somehow not committing a crime and instead fighting the good fight for... what-the-hell-ever.
It\'s just that simple.