I mean you have to read this because its impossible to make up this level of stupidity.
Oh sorry but no link its form AOL

it might be on BBC news
UK Extremists Hail 9/11
\'Magnificent 19\' Killers
THE suicide attackers who killed more than 3,000 people on September 11, 2001, are being hailed by a UK-based Islamist group as the \'Magnificent 19\'.
Just days before the second anniversary of the outrages in New York and Washington, the radical Al-Muhajiroun group has put up posters carrying the slogan under pictures of the hijackers.
A spokesman for the group claimed the actions of the 19 hijackers were "quite splendid" and were completely justified by Sharia law.
But his comments were dismissed by Muslim peer Baroness Uddin as a "gross violation" of Islamic teaching that would be rejected by the vast majority of Britain\'s Muslim community.
She condemned the posters, which advertise a conference of Al-Muhajiroun at an undisclosed location in the UK.
Lady Uddin told the BBC: "I find it totally unpalatable. If I was having a discussion here, I would make sure that young people who are thinking of going there are made to be aware that that is not Islam."
But Al-Muhajiroun spokesman Abu Omar said Muslims who condemned the September 11 attacks were "apostates" whose opinions should carry no weight.
"In regard to 9/11, the action of these 19 with regard to Sharia are completely justified," he said.
"I don\'t believe any Muslim who believes in Islam, and believes in his Lord, would disagree with that.
"I believe that the Muslim community around the world believes those 19 were magnificent. They believe their actions were quite splendid and they believe that many of the activities that have taken place since 9/11 are completely justified in the light of Sharia."
Why the Hell is this meeting going ahead ?
& more to the point
Why aren\'t these people in prison or being shipped of to camp X ray ?
I can’t believe that they are aloud to go ahead, why aren’t our anti-terrorism units going to go in an bust a few head ?
This is madness.