I break the law. This isn\'t the first time I\'ve broken the law. I break it in many ways every day. You can call me a thief, but who am I stealing from? A faceless corporation trying to protect their cherished position as a leech in the cash pipe between the artist and the appreciator of that art. Don\'t get started on how I\'m stealing from the artist... we both know that the artist receives only a tiny fraction of the sale price of a compact disk. Most of them, with the exception of the biggest, most established musicians, are being ripped off as badly as the consumer.
My brother in law was a professional musician, and because of him I know how the business works. Why is it that a well known mid-level artist can put out several records over a period of years, and then get dropped by their label without warning. At the end, the artist is broke, in fact the record label comes up with explanations for how the artist still owes THEM thousands of dollars. These recording companies are soulless uncreative demons that serve no purpose.
They provide "marketing..." but I want there to be LESS bullshit marketing. They spend money getting music played on the radio, when that whole system of radio airplay kickbacks is yet another corrupt system that should be discarded. They fund the manufacturing and distribution of the finished album, but that may be obsolete with the advent of internet distribution. Records companies are a useless anachronism fighting to protect their gravy train. I don\'t want to support them if I don\'t have to.
We need a new paradigm for the performance and sales of music. The new system needs to DO AWAY WITH useless uncreative corporations like the record companies and Ticketmaster. The longer this filesharing "crisis" goes on for the RIAA, the closer we come to that better future. I\'m not interested in supporting the crappy past.