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Author Topic: RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!  (Read 4604 times)

Offline Coredweller
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RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
« Reply #45 on: September 10, 2003, 03:45:04 PM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
Keep thinking what you want, but I will sit back and laugh while all of these peopl are being sued by the RIAA. I just think it\'s a shame they are offering to cut deals for the thieves.

Fact: Downloading music over Kazaa is stealing.  You can try and find loop holes and justify it all you want.It doesn\'t matter. The fact remains you are thief and no better than a criminal goin\' into Wal-mart stealing a cd. As I said before, go on with your "fight the man" mentatlity, but don\'t cry once you or your friends get sued . You had it coming.
I don\'t understand your stance on this LIC.  What\'s your interest in this?  You can say all these activities are against the LAW, etc.  That\'s all well and good.  But you go on to say that you laugh at people who get sued, and you hate the idea of amnesties and settlement deals.  Why are you so pro-RIAA?  Are you buddy buddy with someone in the industry, or something?

The record companies have been STEALING from their own customers for years with artificially high prices.  They realized massive savings in production costs after converting from the older vinyl standard to compact disks, but they did not pass the savings on to customers. Instead they raised their prices and profits.

Now some of us are stealing it back.  The law may be on their side, but don\'t suggest that the moral advantage is theirs also.
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Offline SirMystiq

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RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
« Reply #46 on: September 10, 2003, 03:52:16 PM »
Actually it\'s bullshit that some people get less money for suing for something that makes sense, while this freaks are getting 15k a pop.

Im a thief. So what? Ohh man poor Justin I feel so bad for stealing his only good song.

This "stealing is wrong" bullshit isn\'t going nowhere. Suing 15 year olds for something they probably didn\'t see illegal is bullshit. Half the kids in my school don\'t even know about this "legal" action. It\'s bullshit that they let our ISP\'s give out our PERSONAL information, which they under a contract promised to KEEP this information secret. Unless some people from the RIAA(who are extremely poor) pay them a couple of thousand to get this info. Garbage. Bullshit. I don\'t hate them for what they are doing. Im stealing and I admit it. I hate them for going as far with this as they are going.

And please stop stereotyping this as "teen angst", b/c it\'s not just teenagers that are doing this.
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

Offline Bobs_Hardware

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RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
« Reply #47 on: September 10, 2003, 03:57:52 PM »
Originally posted by Spudz
My idea about this shit:

These "musicians" are sitting in their one of many mansions, driving around their ferrari\'s, porsches, and riding in limos, eating at extremely expensive restrurants, buying 100$ pairs of pants, and just wasting cash.

Then they go and complain about not getting enough money.

Jesus christ- **** them, they are on the news, mtv, radio everywhere and they complain they arent getting a good deal for pulling out this shitty music and publisicing the shit out of it until they make a new one and flush the old one.

**** them.
**** this music industry.
**** those "musicians".

*Turns on some Naglfar*

What about those musicions who can barely scrape enough money together to go on tour?  Or to even make an albumn?  What about those that work their entire lives to make art, and not sell-out to the consumer.

You\'re in a band, how would you feel if you finally got a record deal, and sold 1000 copies of your CD, and later found out that hundreds/thousands of people were downloading your songs for free and not buying your CD?

Offline SirMystiq

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RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
« Reply #48 on: September 10, 2003, 04:01:03 PM »
HA well if the art was really for the people. He should be proud that such a high number of people are diggin his shit and downloading this. Besides is going to probably get a sweet check for this. Unless you\'re some kind of money hungry hog who want\'s to go on tour all around the world singing the only song that got people to buy your CD in the first place.
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

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RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
« Reply #49 on: September 10, 2003, 04:05:11 PM »
Originally posted by Kurt Angle

I think I may have found vid a new sig.;)

If he does and doesn\'t pay me the money I rightfully deserve I will sue. 15K a letter baby. I worked SO hard to come up with that.
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

Offline Bobs_Hardware

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RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
« Reply #50 on: September 10, 2003, 04:23:32 PM »
Originally posted by SirMystiq
HA well if the art was really for the people. He should be proud that such a high number of people are diggin his shit and downloading this. Besides is going to probably get a sweet check for this. Unless you\'re some kind of money hungry hog who want\'s to go on tour all around the world singing the only song that got people to buy your CD in the first place.

:rolleyes:  Stupidity at it\'s finest.

Making art for the people is one thing, but considering how much these people have to invest into making it, is it a little too much to ask that they be able to afford to buy instruements to keep making it?  To be able to make another record?  To be able to go on tour?

Perhaps you don\'t realize just how little money people make from each each CD sold.  An artist pretty much has to sell 500,000 copies of a CD just to break even.

Offline Living-In-Clip

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RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
« Reply #51 on: September 10, 2003, 04:33:42 PM »
My stance is simple. I\'m tired of people whining and complaining now that the RIAA is taking action back against people stealing a product they put out. Yes, the over-charge, but that does not give you the right to break the law. I think a lot of things are over-priced, do I steal them? No, I don\'t. People just look for a reason to get something for nothing and with the internet its easier than ever. The internet has bred the new generation of cleptomaniacs.
(spell check!)

Offline Deadly Hamster
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RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
« Reply #52 on: September 10, 2003, 04:40:57 PM »
I Don\'t see whats wrong with downloading a few songs to see what a band sounds like, then buying the CD....
It was a darkness all my own, a song played on the radio, It went straight to my heart - I carried it with me - until the darkness was gone.
- Bouncing Souls

Offline Bobs_Hardware

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RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
« Reply #53 on: September 10, 2003, 04:44:45 PM »
Originally posted by Deadly Hamster
I Don\'t see whats wrong with downloading a few songs to see what a band sounds like, then buying the CD....

But that\'s not what most people do.

Offline Living-In-Clip

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RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
« Reply #54 on: September 10, 2003, 04:52:17 PM »
Originally posted by Deadly Hamster
I Don\'t see whats wrong with downloading a few songs to see what a band sounds like, then buying the CD....

Audio clips.
Most band / studio\'s websites have audio clips and there are services out there that let you preview before buying .

Offline Coredweller
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RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
« Reply #55 on: September 10, 2003, 05:31:43 PM »
Originally posted by Bobs_Hardware
What about those musicions who can barely scrape enough money together to go on tour?  Or to even make an albumn?  What about those that work their entire lives to make art, and not sell-out to the consumer.

You\'re in a band, how would you feel if you finally got a record deal, and sold 1000 copies of your CD, and later found out that hundreds/thousands of people were downloading your songs for free and not buying your CD?
Low and mid-level working musicians are exactly the ones who would benefit the most from a completely revised structure for the recording business.

If I were a relatively unknown musician trying to survive, I would forget all about the traditional "big record deal."  Musicians should focus first on improving their musicianship and songwriting.  Practice heavily with your band and make yourself a strong live-performing act.  Then play every live venue you can.  Build a local fan base.  Create a website for your band and promote the URL on every piece of property your band owns.  Post it everywhere.  Sell your music yourself on your website.  

You\'ll be able to sell the songs at an affordable price, so piracy won\'t be as big a problem for you.  You\'ll be able to reap the ENTIRE sale price of the music, instead of having a worthless record company leeching off of you.  Also, you can establish a much more personal connection with every one of your fans who buys your music.  You can send them direct mailings, and communicate with them through an online forum like this one.  Eventually, by selling other merchandise through your website, I could see a musician doing very very well financially... AND they wouldn\'t have to worry about a record company telling them what kind of music they can and cannot record.

This is a revolutionary time in the music business, and it makes me wish I was more involved.  Some day there\'s going to be a huge breakthrough artist who deliberately shuns all corporate music ownership and distribution.  When that happens, everything you take for granted about the record business will change.  You need to have some vision, just like the founders of the PC and Internet revolutions did.  It\'s a golden opportunity.
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Offline GmanJoe

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RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
« Reply #56 on: September 10, 2003, 06:08:25 PM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
Right. And how many people are doin\' this? Okay, then. Your loophole is void an null. Fan mixes and stealing are two different things. Don\'t try and confuse the subject.

 Keep thinking what you want, but I will sit back and laugh while all of these peopl are being sued by the RIAA. I just think it\'s a shame they are offering to cut deals for the thieves.

Fact: Downloading music over Kazaa is stealing.  You can try and find loop holes and justify it all you want.It doesn\'t matter. The fact remains you are thief and no better than a criminal goin\' into Wal-mart stealing a cd. As I said before, go on with your "fight the man" mentatlity, but don\'t cry once you or your friends get sued . You had it coming.

Hold on there, Captain America! I never denied it was stealing. I know what I stole. I know. And believe me, more and more people are doing this one bit change. Aren\'t you happy about that? It\'s not void like your skull, ya metal cladded attention whore! :p If they can\'t touch me, then why is the loop hole void?

I\'m a kazaa user. Here, lemme tell you what I download so you can stop making ass U mption. I download a lot of techno remixes of a lot of songs. And because that\'s what I favor, that is how I also stumbled upon the little tid bit regarding the loop hole. THEY CAN\'T TOUCH ME!

SO......I\'m here to let everyone know how to avoid "THE MAN".

\"Gee,  I dunno.  If I was a chick, I\'d probably want a kiss (or more) from Durst, too.\"--SineSwiper 9/23/03 (from another forum)
Originally posted by Seed_Of_Evil I must admit that the last pic of her ass will be used in my next masturbation. She\'s hot as hell, one of my

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RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
« Reply #57 on: September 10, 2003, 06:08:57 PM »
I download songs, make mixes and delete them. Never sell or make profit. Just download songs I hear off the radio. I have intentions on buying the cds of the artists I download from.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2003, 06:10:02 PM by Titan »
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U R FUCJKGIN FCUTE" -THX to luke and Bob

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Offline GmanJoe

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RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
« Reply #58 on: September 10, 2003, 06:11:42 PM »
Oh...and for those of you who think your average musicians make a lot of money from their CD sales.....WRONG! They make most of their income through concerts. How do I know this? Coz....I watch VH1 too. :p I saw the little documentary about this one group who made all this money....but in the end, got only $50,000 from the $2 million.

Oh well.

Your turn. :D
\"Gee,  I dunno.  If I was a chick, I\'d probably want a kiss (or more) from Durst, too.\"--SineSwiper 9/23/03 (from another forum)
Originally posted by Seed_Of_Evil I must admit that the last pic of her ass will be used in my next masturbation. She\'s hot as hell, one of my

Offline SwifDi
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RIAA suing a little 12 year old girl!!!
« Reply #59 on: September 10, 2003, 07:34:12 PM »
I download music I like to hear, without any intention of ever paying the money for the album. I\'ll go to the concert, but I won\'t buy the CD. Not when it\'s out there for free.


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