Did anyone else in the UK used to find it funny that in the male toilets McDonalds used to lable the hand dryer a "Mc Blow"

I stopped going to the Big M years ago.. ever since I was told by someone that they where the biggest buyer cows vaginas, Used to enjoy their sausage egg Mc Muffin as well

This self Imposed boycott paid off as this summer, because the nearest McDonalds near me was closed down by environmental health.
This story IS true (and has in fact lead to legal action) a 46 year old Mum of 3 bought a Big Mac once day for lunch, everything was fine until the next day when….
She woke up to fine that she had painful mouth sores, so she when to the doctor to find out what it is.
When she got there and the Doctor examined her , and she asked what it was …he said.
“Well you would have unprotected oral sex”
The woman was shocked and said.
“how dare you.. I am married with 3 kids.. I don’t allow my husband to do such a thing”.
On hearing the response the Doctor decided to look for another cause and then asked her what she had eaten or drank in the past 24 hours. On hearing that she visited McDonalds for her lunch the Doctor decided to phone environmental health to have them examine the branch where the woman had her lunch.
The environmental health service agreed to perform a check and where despatched the same day, on arriving at the branch and examining all food storage and basic handling they turned their attention to the meat mince’r and took samples to be sent off to the lab.
On Closer inspection they found quantities of Human sperm present in the mincemeat, and on further examination it was found through DNA testing that 2 disgruntled employees were deliberately masturbating into meat mincer.
As a result of this the branch was closed down and the story made it into all the local and Scottish nation papers.
Enjoy your next Big Mac..yum yum;)