BTW, those new computer voting machines...didn\'t Florida have problems getting them to work the first them they used them during the Gubanatorial Democratic Primary Elections there? Imagine California, IF forced to use them in counties that still have the punch card ballots, the problems WE will have using the new machines.
BTW, the problem was FIRST noticed by a "Republican nut-case". Former Secretary of State, Bill Jones about the need to upgrade (and this was before Florida 2000). Between that time, and the amount of money leaving Sacramento (plenty I assume that could pay for the new machines), how come Davis didn\'t upgrade then?
BUT, these punch card ballots have been used for over 40 YEARS! The only time they became a problem was Florida 2000. And they happened to have elected DAVIS in the first place.
This ruling is so assine and OBVIOUSLY political, it is pathetic. Two Clinton appointees, one Carter. You don\'t suppose...nah. :rolleyes: