OK, this is a true story.
My cousin is 16 1/2... Stil doesn\'t have his license. Seems odd to me, but oh well. I remember when I turned 16 I couldn\'t wait to have a license.
Anyway, he has gotten to where he is awful in school. He always seemed bright as a youngster, but I think misguided direction set him estray and he just hasn\'t had direction in his life.
Well he wants to quit school. I mean who needs school right? He just wants his GED and then get on with his life. THis is a very long story and much more involved, but I\'d have to be a chick to tell all the details. God chicks always tell the longest stories. I digress...
So his mom called and checked on the GED program. Hmmmm. What do you know.. YOu need a 2.0 to even qualifyfor the GED program. HAHAHAHAHA. He has a 1.8!!! What a beautiful thing. ANother thing. You can\'t have any disciplinary actions for a year. DOH. He has two freaking pages worth!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA.. So to even be able to get his GED, he has to retake 10th grade and have no disciplinary actions.
Oh, it gets better...
You can\'t get your driver\'s license unless you are enrolled in school!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA..
Damnit, it serves kids right. People take school so lightly and think they know everything. WHat a beautiful thing.
Oh and car insurance? Without even buying a car. Just putting him on the family policy driving the family car would cost 3,000 per year.
Anyway, just thought it was funny. If he wasn\'t so cocky I would feel bad for him. Oh hell, nevermind. Anyone who can\'t get over a 2.0 is pretty sad. You have to really try to do that badly.