Originally posted by GmanJoe
It\'s not piracy if you own the DVD, now is it? Good. Otherwise, Best Buy wouldn\'t be selling TiVo and DVD Xcopy.
Do you read? Or do you post just to post? Obviously, the latter, so let me quote myself, for you.
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
For the record: I support back up\'s. I have backed up my cd\'s, before. I support backing up your games and DVD\'s. I do not support "backing up" Blockbuster\'s movies / games.
Where did I say I was against backing up? I didn\'t. I said I support it.
Now let me pull another quote out.
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
It treads to close to piracy and the fact that known pirates are posting in this thread - makes me think this thread serves no educational purpose, what so ever.
This was reffering to you mainly. Someone who posted in another thread about goin\' to Blockbuster, buyin\' DVD-R\'s and where to find labels, etc. I\'d get the exact quote, but I deleted your post.
My advice to you, read before you post more of this bull$hit. You know the rules and the fact that you admit to pirtating, puts a big negative against you. So, don\'t even try to turn face and go "backing up is legal" - because we all know that is not your intentions for the program.