Heres how it goes- in Alaska most houses are connected, through some way or another. Ours is connected through the garage.
Our neighbors work at a fisherie, and one at a blood bank, I guess.
Well I was playing some music on my drums, totally rocking out when I get home from school (3:30), the guy comes and bangs on my door telling me to "shut up" because his wife is sleeping.
I tell him "I was just practicing man, its not like it was bad music anyway". He just looks at me and tells me not to play this late or he will call the cops.
I just decided to quit because of curtosy. But can he actually call the cops and get me in trouble? Even if its 3:30 in the evening?
BtW: they are huge hipocrits, have parties until 4 in the morning in their hot tub, and have underage drinking.
btwx2: another question: is Drinking while driving actually considered this: drinking alchohol while driving. Even ur are as sober as possible? Can you do that? since people can drink soda, etc while driving.