Well it has been a long time since I\'ve visited the forums but its due to good cause.
I\'ve been a United States Marine since June 13th, hard work, but I love what I do and who I am. Im now stationed with 1st LAR(Light Armored Recon), H&S(Headquarters and Service) Company Motor Transportation Platoon in Camp Pendleton, CA. Its not to far away from where I originally came from(about an hour due east.) My unit just got back from Iraq, unfortunately one less Marine then what they left with. RIP Lance Corporal.
Now we have a deadline, October 10th to get all of our vehicles ready for combat once again.
Anyway, Im back and trying to get into what Ive missed all this time. I just picked up Madden 2004 and SH3. I have no idea what Ive missed but thats what ya\'ll are for. Fill me in. I may not have much time to play but the time I do have, needs to be worth it. Madden 20004 is definately one of those games. I havent had a chance to get into SH3 but I had to pick it up when I saw it.
It\'s good to be back. :thepimp:
Semper Fi