Alrighty then, time for some Battlefield news.
Yesterday, the biggest BF mod EVER (in size, 439MB + a map pack 84MB) was released.. Forgotten Hope is its name. (website: )
This mod is a serious one, it adds realism to battlefield, as in you will most certainly die from one shot if you are shot with a mauser, nagant or one of the more powerful weapons, hits from MP-40 and the Ppsh will take less damage.
The tank battles are also a lot more interesting, now its IMPOSSIBLE to blow up a tank via a regular grenade, and the tanks have a lot more armour at the front... so a tank battle from a distance with both tanks facing each other can take a while..
Infantry should stay clear of tanks (unless you are a AT Gunner, you should then try and sneak up the arse of the tank and give it a good punch with your Panzerfaust/Bazooka/Piat, which is very effective.), they are KILLING machines.
Most tanks now have 3 gunner positions on the tank, turret gunner, the gunner who controls the outside machinegun and the front gunner..
The best tank in the game is of course the German Tiger.. Its near impossible to disable, unless the driver is a complete moron.
It also adds LOTS and LOTS of vehicles and maps.
How about the Bismarck, Sturm III, Jagdpanzer and even the Jagdpanther, they even got the Puma in.
In short, there are lots of new tanks, airplanes and some new ships. Oh and the tanks look to be modelled in proper size.
The new maps are REALLY well done, even better than the original BF42 maps IMO.
How about fighting a trench war in Finland (yep, the Finns are in, no voices yet, they speak german.. But it does have some Finnish music in one of the bunkers

If you have a high speed internet connection and a copy of BF42 I suggest you get it ASAP.

Some screenshots:

You are able to sit on the outside of the tanks and ride along.

Captured T-34, very nicely detailed.

A huge tank battle is about to commence.

Tiger, how I love thee!

Günther, Lars, Dieter and Fritz are out on a joy ride (4 persons in one car!)..