He\'s gone because he is in jail!!!!
I wonder if he was offering free weekends.
http://customwire.ap.org/dynamic/stories/S/SPAIN_CELLULAR_BRICKS?SITE=NYPLA&SECTION=SOUTHWEST&TEMPLATE=DEFAULTWeb Buyers Sent Bricks Instead of Phones
MADRID, Spain (AP) -- A teenage con artist using Internet auction sites tricked people into sending him money to buy cellular phones and instead mailed them bricks, police said.
The 18-year-old boy was arrested this week in the central city of Ciudad Real after allegedly duping people all over Spain, including residents of Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia.
The suspect had his victims mail postal money orders to a house in Ciudad Real that he knew was vacant, police said.
He collected them at the mailbox there, and was arrested Tuesday at a post office while trying to cash some of the money orders, police said.
Officials said the teen fooled many people but didn\'t say how many. The youth\'s name was not released.