Meh.. here\'s a few details...
Usually I give her rides home and stuff like that, last weekend we actually went out together. Almost everyone at my job keeps telling me how much she likes me and how obvious it is I like her, one girl actually thought we were already going out.
However, last night she said that she had a ride. So I assumed she was going with her parents or my boss who usually takes her home. And while I\'m just sitting outside the store waiting to give this other kid a ride, I see her and she\'s kinda startled... Turns out she was getting a ride with this one dude that works with me who is like 20 (*cough*she\'s 16). She kinda looks back, but I just shook my head in disgust and walked to my car.
And today when I saw my mom she told me something VERY interesting... Well the girl\'s mom and my mom work together, and her mom was mad because [sarc]"I"[/sarc] supposedly dropped her off at 10:30 p.m. Thats right, she blamed this on ME. Not only does she play me, she tries to take me down with her? Haha... Unf*cking believable... Turns out [sarc]"I"[/sarc] took her to out to eats and didn\'t drop her off until 3 hours later.
The fact of the matter is, she didn\'t want her mom to find out that she was out with some 20 year old dude last night, so she blamed it on me. I seriously can\'t believe this shit.
I\'ll be talking to her soon.