I do support the bands I like, but im not gonna buy a CD if I haven\'t heard a few of the bands songs. I go to many concerts, and I\'ve bought over 25 CD\'s this year, and yes I know that is illegal, but the RIAA onlr represents 5 of the major record labels.
I realize that it\'s Illegal, but I do not think what the RIAA is doing is right.
Edit: Okay, Im not disagreeing with you because I know that the RIAA has every legal right to do what they are doing, and it is on a few levels also morally right from the artists perspectives, but perhaps there are alternatives to this. And File sharing is not the only problem for the music labels. Perhaps, making something where a certain number of songs are avalible for doanload, but not all of them? just not suining famillies that cant afford it.