Originally posted by Rya
As if guys aren\'t materialistic. How many of have picked up a game on the first day? Spent time upgrading your computer or car? Everyone except nuns and monks are materialistic.
What the hell does that have to do with women who want some blingbling from their men? If you buy YOUR stuff, who cares? So why does it matter if WE buy stuff for us? This is what you wrote :
What the hell are you doing spending more money on a car than your sweetheart?
I spend PLENTY of money on my sweet heart. But I spend PLENTY on me too. Just like the guy who bought that sweet car that his woman dented.
Originally posted by Rya
Because women have the power behind the curtains. Where\'s the credit to those women controlling powerful men? Besides, I like complaing. It\'s comforting.
We got to have our poonani or we just don\'t do nothin\'. You ladies have no idea the power you hold on men. Just say "No Desert" for one month, and I PROMISE YOU.....he\'ll eat his food out of your shoes if you asked him. Or....if he\'s like me, I\'ll....get another girl.