I don\'t believe in flowers, chocolates, stuffed animals(except their favorite type), and stuff like that.
For X-mas I gave muh love a perfume "Very Sexy" by VS. For her B-day, she has a thing for crosses, so I gave her a white gold necklace with a white gold cross!!! I don\'t buy her things everyday to make her "feel" special. To me girls should know if a guy considers them truly something, it doesn\'t require gifts and crap everday or mushy poems or flowers or being different around her than you are with everybody else. Im me everywhere, with her or without her, yeah I don\'t cuss around her but other than that im the same way. I do get her things, but small things that I find and I know she would like. I gave her a "thing 1" from the cereal box and she loved it. I also gave her some stuffed monkey i found laying around my house, she\'s like in love with that one.