Well the Atkins diet, aka the Ketogenic diet is a decent one. It doesn\'t really work the way it is supposed to though. It\'s advertised as depleting the body of glycogen, sending the body into ketosis which is when the body switches from using carbs as it\'s fuel source to using protein and fat as it\'s fuel source. When it uses the secondary fuel source the bi product produced are ketons which in turn lower your appetite.
The ketogenic diet is really more based on lowering your appetite than it it\'s based on burning fat.
It works in a way, but not the way it\'s advertised.
My diet is like this (And is VERY strict, I haven\'t broken it in over a year);
Durning the day I eat 6-8 small meals. Before 6pm I eat low glycemic carbs, and protein with minimum fat. Post workout I take in around 150g\'s of high glycemic carbs to replinish glycogen and spur anabolism. After 6pm I eat only protein and monounsaturated fats.
I take in around 4000kcals a day and atleast 200g\'s of protein. My diet therapy and nutrition professor doesn\'t like how much protein I take in because she\'s in the thinking that too much protein will turn into fat. She\'s partially correct, but de novolipogenesis is a messy process with protein and very little is actually turned into fat, she\'s unaware of this and refuses to listen to me.