http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/wales/3257523.stmBritish courts handed down driving suspensions and fines to many drivers on Monday because they exceeded the speed limit on public roads during the 2002 Rally GB in Wales. "Loix, 32, was fined £1,750 and given a six-month ban after being caught seven times in the same stretch on the same morning. He was clocked at speeds of up to 54mph in the 30mph zone. McRae was caught doing 51mph and fined £150 and given three penalty points."
HOO BOY! 51mph in a 30mph zone! That\'s a good reason to hinder an international motorsports event that is bringing investment and tourism to the local economy! :rolleyes: Good job, pigs!
Does anyone remember that little run-in Marcus Gronholm had with the local law enforcement when he was trying to return to service with his ruined wheel? He was not harming anyone, but the pigs wouldn\'t let him return to the staging area. Completely absurd if you ask me.