The day I heard Iron Maiden, one of my favorite bands of all time, was going to release a new CD I was screaming estatically.
Well, It came out quite some time ago, and due to a limited cash flow I hadnt purchased it. Last night instead of getting school supplies I got it.
Cover Art : When I looked at in the store- the cover art just blows. Its all CG, well most of it, and it is done very poorly. I know someone at this forum couldve done something better. I wish they were to have kept the same Eddie feel, but of course times are changing.
Songs : It has a total of 11 tracks I belive, each one averaging about 5 minutes. They definetly keep the old Iron Maiden story telling singing, and upbeat drumming and guitaring as usual, but its all very different some how. Im not sure if its new guitars or something, but the sound of it is different. Its not a bad different, or a good different- its just different.
Favorite tracks :
Rainmaker - Very cool guitar effects, and crisp vocalization
Dance of Death - Very slow and quiet, but I love how he is telling a story.
No More Lies - Heavy, very fast, and chunky

Overall, if your an Iron Maiden fan, or new Maiden fan I suggest you pick it up if you have the spare cash. It isnt their best work, or their worst. It is a very versitale new step in hopefully a resurgance of Iron Maiden.
PS; The guitar solos in this are very good also.
Score: 8/10
(BTW: I am trying to make a come back to more reviews at the forum, it is fun seeing other peoples thoughts etc on purchases/movies, hence the lay out of my post, very formal)