Originally posted by Paul
Hhmmm....i\'m afraid you\'re the one who is living in console for too long....there are tons of high quality gamepads out there for the PC.
And btw, i play NFSUG and LOTR:ROTK with an ORIGINAL PS2 DualShock 2 controllers via a PSX/USB hub...you DO KNOW about those things rite???
Actually no. :funny: That was so hilarious i almost pissed my pants. Anyway, keyboards for racing games do suck and controllers for your pc either dont have that certain confortable feel. Some do but when it comes down to going multiplayer with all hubs or w/e you want to do it just doesnt work out.
Unless they just come with all the ports for that certain console w/ memory slots (for those that dont have the pc version). That and if you play on your tv or an insanely huge monitor. I like the surround sound and big screen tv with a large couch.
Sorry for having an opinion. :thumb: :rolleyes: