Jackson was filming the video with R&B singer R. Kelly, US Weekly magazine told Fox News on Wednesday. Kelly has himself been the focus of a child-porn probe.
Partners in crime?
Eventhough MJ is a freak. The guy/girl had a bitchy life. I mean you really can\'t blame somebody that went through so much BS, It\'s not his/her fault that he was raised that way. But anyways back to topic, I think that whoever raised this charges is trying to get money...
The boy\'s family was said to be in seclusion, Fox News learned, and wasn\'t looking for any monetary settlement but instead wanted justice served through the court system
HAHAHAHA...Until the cops tell us what they found and what the charges are I can\'t be sure. But if this is another one of those "it happened 14 years ago" stories I can officially call them gold digging bad parents. What kind of kids would like to even hang around with MJ, I wouln\'t be surprised if their parents forced them to.