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Author Topic: God bless Sony\'s quality control...  (Read 684 times)

Offline Living-In-Clip

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God bless Sony\'s quality control...
« on: November 19, 2003, 04:53:52 AM »
As most people know, I purchased a Sony HDTV Widescreen TV almost a year ago. What I didn\'t know was that apparently Sony has been having issues with "flickering" - where the color bleeds in and out. Well, my set worked fine until about a month ago , now I am having to deal with a TV that plays fine sometimes, then turns yellow for a second...repeat constantly. No luck on getting Sony or Circuit City to commit on when they are goin\' to come out and fix it (I have on site warranty) and the fact that it will take them replacing all 3 CRT\'s and two resistors, I have a feeling it\'s goin\' to be awhile.

My point? It\'s a damn shame Sony can\'t make a product built to last. I went through three PsOne\'s, PS2 disc-errors and now a TV that has a widespread problem.

Yes, I\'m ranting - but you would be to, if you paid $1,500 for a TV and then found out that it has problems that Sony has known about.
:mad: :cursin:

Offline ##RaCeR##
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God bless Sony\'s quality control...
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2003, 05:03:00 AM »
It sucks, but its not as though these sort of things happen to every SONY product out there. Sure, they shouldn\'t be selling faulty stuff, but its a hell of a logistics problem to re-call those kinda items all around the world.

Sony is one of the better manufactures quality control wise IMO. I have never had a problem with any Sony product ever, and thats why I always buy Sony. Geez, who knows what some of the other ones do.

I went through 3 DC\'s.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2003, 05:04:01 AM by ##RaCeR## »

Offline EmperorRob
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God bless Sony\'s quality control...
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2003, 10:40:32 AM »
I try to stay away from Sony products.  Six ps1s, one ps2 fixed twice b/c of 2 errors by Sony.  A crappy Sony phone.  I have a Sony stereo that I keep expecting to die at any moment.

And good luck if you ever have to talk to someone on an 800 line.
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God bless Sony\'s quality control...
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2003, 10:46:09 AM »
Sony CRTs are decent, even their VPL projectors are a great choice, but they have never been known for outstanding build quality.  For $1500 You should have gotten a Pansonic L300U projector! :nerd:

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Offline JBean
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God bless Sony\'s quality control...
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2003, 11:40:27 AM »
I\'ve had bad experiences with Sony products; namely a portable CD player and a television (not HDTV).  I have vowed to never buy a Sony electronics product ever again (except for ps3 of course).

I\'ve never had problems with the PS1 OR PS2, guess i\'m lucky.

Offline Living-In-Clip

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God bless Sony\'s quality control...
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2003, 01:01:13 PM »
There is simply no excuse for such a widespread problem. There are forums and threads dedicated to just tryin\' to get ahold of Sony and someone to fix the problem. And believe me, when you invest such an amount of money into a TV and then find out that there is such a widespread problem it is very annoying . Reminds me of PS2 disc-errors.

Offline Halberto
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God bless Sony\'s quality control...
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2003, 01:45:44 PM »
Sony Vaio


Offline Living-In-Clip

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God bless Sony\'s quality control...
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2003, 01:55:33 PM »
After two contacts - still nothing. Will have to wait \'till tommorw, to try again. I\'ve went to various boards and this problem is well documented. This problem is also re-occuring. I\'m reading about people who have their CRT\'s replaced three to five times and still having the same problem.

You cannot tell me this acceptable. Twelve models are effected. It\'s a well documented problem and it continues to occur.

At this point, I want either (1) a new TV or (2) someone to blow up Sony HQ , with everyone in the building. If you work for Sony, you work for the devil.

Thank you.

Offline fastson
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God bless Sony\'s quality control...
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2003, 01:56:14 PM »
Eek, not good. :(

I have had 2 PSXes (first stopped working altogether, the second one still works fine.) 2x PS2s (I changed mine before the 2 year warranty went out the door), other than that no problem.

I do however have a problem with DELL.. First the CD-ROM broke, -> send in computer -> wait for several days.. Then the motherboard broke (the LPT1 connector on the MB)..

Good thing these things always happen under warranty (2 years for regular electronics (PS2, PSX), 3 years for my DELL Computer). :)
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Offline Paul2

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God bless Sony\'s quality control...
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2003, 03:30:50 PM »
I found some sony products quality (build and performance wise) usually arent\' as good as other brand like panasonic.  But it varies from products to products.  Sony are well known for their CRT TV, other than that, their other product are questionable.  Like DVD player, the panasonic is much better than the sony and cheaper too.  My panasonic dvd player can read cd-r nicely while Sony CD player keep skipping and making noises.

So, I think sony make good CRT TV, like their HDTV CRT.  But their other products (CD player, dvd player, etc) are expensive and not as good as other brands.

Offline Sara
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God bless Sony\'s quality control...
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2003, 03:37:10 PM »
I work for Sony.  I take inbound tech support calls for vaios, monitors, and sometimes tvs.  I hate this job.  

You may have already done this, LIC, but you need to get angry and ask to speak to a supervisor.  Not right away, let the rep get your info and document the call, then ask for a supervisor.  Not that this will help, but it may push things along.  

I\'m actually surprised they haven\'t been more responsive, though.  I guess it depends if you got your warranty through the store you bought it from, or an actual sony warranty.  There is a big difference.
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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God bless Sony\'s quality control...
« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2003, 03:47:32 PM »
I\'m going to make another call tommorw, Sara. I\'ve seen where Sony is addressing the problem, but it seems they are being very slow due to it.

My main concern is not getting it fixed. I know that I\'ll get them to replace the CRT\'s. My worry is that they\'ll replace the CRT\'s with faulty ones, something that seen numerous reports of.

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God bless Sony\'s quality control...
« Reply #12 on: November 19, 2003, 04:06:24 PM »
I haven\'t had any sony problems except my PS2 but I can fix that. I steer clear of anything by Sony except PlayStation. I only have PSX and PS2 by them and only the PS2 has given me shit. Sharp and Panasonic are the TVs we have and they are terrific.
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Offline ##RaCeR##
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God bless Sony\'s quality control...
« Reply #13 on: November 19, 2003, 04:11:38 PM »
Yeah, I think it really depends on the item. I have had a Sony Trinitron 68cm monitor for about 8 years now and its still pretty much so perfect.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2003, 04:12:43 PM by ##RaCeR## »


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