I know this had to have happened to a number of people. Have you ever gotten into a brawl over your girl? let me explain.... back in 90 me and my boys went down to va beach, two of us had our gf\'s with us, so to make a long story short,i\'m walkin ahead of evrybody else and a group of guys walks past us and says somthing like daaaammmnn! shorty i was with at the time had a nice fatty on her. so i turn around & say what the **** you lookin at?! so now the guys turn around start talkin smack,and one of the cats i\'m with is gonna put his hands under his shirt like he had a gat,when he had nothing! haha straight up wanksta! And not long after one of the guys makes a gesture to somebody across the street.and says yooo! And let me tell you ,these two cats that came across the street was somebody out of the wwe, i mean these cats were big as hell! So now i\'m like aw s**t we\'re about to take a L in the worst way. I was about to tell my girl..go ahead baby let the nice man touch your booty ..go ahead it\'s ok!:D fortunatley they came and told those guys they knew to just come on & stop startin trouble.
back then i was a bit of a hothead. Now i just take compliments like that in stride! Sometimes bein a hothead can be hazardous to your health heh!