okay guys here we gio again
sorce from url:http//www.gamespot.com/all/news/news_6078216
with the jury still out on whether or not console and computer games make addicts out their most dedcated players .oprah has
decided to enter the debate .
while not viewed with the same high esteem as charlie rose or
jim lehrer.oprah does have her devotees, and if her producers
have their way.those devotees will soon be able to look in a living
breathing video game addict or mother of one in the eye.
on show\'s website a page prompts readers to respond to a plug
that ask " are you addicted to video games?
the promotions continues , asking readers to consider to whereter
their game playing has "compicated your life or your child\'s life,
has affected your social life " or has created"feeling of anger or
withdrawal when not playing
since other plugs on the site seek those who"left the fast-track
for mommy track" and those who are stay-at-home moms with
secret addictions," it seem unlikely oprah will put the game addiction debate to rest anytime soon.
what you guys think?