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Author Topic: From the makers of Europa Universalis, Victoria: Empire Under the Sun.  (Read 448 times)

Offline fastson
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Paradox have released a new game in the same spirit as Europa Universalis (1492-1792), Europa Universalis II (1419-1815) and Hearts of Iron (1936-1947), its called Victoria Empire Under the Sun.

I didn’t know it was out before I saw a post about it on another forum, anyways I decided to try the game out since Im a EU freak (didn’t care much about HoI, thought it was too confusing and boring, plus it would only let you play during WW2).
Victoria takes place during 1835 to 1920 (85 years), so you will be able to play during WW1.

There are several campaigns you can choose from, the Grand Campaign where you play from 1835 and onward, The Great War campaign which starts in 1914, even the American Civil War is in it..

Anyway, the game is what Hearts of Iron should have been like, much more fun, less confusing, but more complex than both EU and HoI.
For example the diplomacy system in this game has more options, now you can “lend” soldiers to a certain country, they will then take control over your army (not your whole army, just the division you selected) and use them in a war (I did this when I saw Denmark was getting raped by Prussia, I gave them control over two armies (Division West and Division Sweden), they LOST Division West somehow, but Division Sweden saved their asses.)

You can also buy and sell land, exchange technologies (like in Civilisation) and so on.

The world map has been improved, its fricking HUGE. Compared to EU, this game must have twice the amount of territories.

Here is Europe.

North America

Onto the military stuff, though I must point out that the game is mainly about developing and building up your country. In the beginning no railroads, factories exists, its up to you to build it up, turn your society from a poor farmers country to a industry country.

Here is what industry Sweden looks like, the lines are railroad (you’ll be able to upgrade it several times). To the left is statistics over your country, you can see what religion is most popular in your country etc. You can see I have been pretty successful when converting my country into a industry country, look at the graph for Workforce.

Now, about the military, in EU you only had the option to build cavalry and infantry (and ships) and them upgrade them via researching. In Victoria there are lots of sub-categories of each, for example you can build regular Infantry, or infantry with artillery, or dragoons etc.
Same with ships, transport ships for soldiers, man-o-war ships, steam ships, frigates, monitors etc.

My old fleet with wooden man-o-war ships, I later included commerce raiders.
The monitor you see down south is made up of new steamships, ironclads and monitor ships.. Later I will be able to build frigates and destroyers, cruisers.

The game also gives you control over your population, you can give them free press, good healthcare, the right to unions, the option for all people to vote, no restrictions on political parties, or you can be the devil and choose to censor the press, give them no or very poor healthcare, ban unions and meetings, don’t allow anyone to vote, ban parites or even ban all parties.


As I said, the objective in the game is to be as successful as possible. You are supposed to become the most successful nation in the game.

In my game, 1896 I hold a 10th place. Not to bad for playing as Sweden.

Im playing on a fairly low difficulty level, but still the game is pretty hard.

I have had the following wars sofar.

July 1, 1843: I declare war on Denmark
Dec 5, 1843: Denmark asks for peace, the war was a huge success for me.

Oct 25, 1859: I declare war on Morocco.
March 3, 1860: Morocco asks for peace, again a huge success.

(fairly easy competition sofar)

Nov 3, 1866: I declare war on Russia.
My first tactical mistake, I saw that Austria was invading Russia from the south, I saw that Finland was almost clear from Russian troops, since Sweden lost Finland in 1809 and has territorial claims on Russia I thought this would give me some nice points.
The war went well the first months, but suddenly Austria agreed to Peace with Russia. I saw Russias huge armys turn for Finland, me with my (compared to Russias) small army paniced. I asked for peace several times but they ignored me, after being in two HUGE battles (100 000+ men each) I decided to pull out and head home. I was hoping it would take Russia some time to reach my boarders so I could build up a defensive army in time. But the thing I feared for most never happened, Russia halted right outside of Stockholm and right by the boarder to Umeå. Then out of the blue, they asked for PEACE, I of course accepted. I later learned that Ottoman Empire had declared war, and since most of Russias army was in Finland they had no defence in the south.
Aug 16, 1869: We agree to return to Status Quo.

March 11, 1873: I invade Prussia capturing two territories to the North. France invades from the west.
Oct 3, 1874: Peace.

Nov 19, 1886: Out of the blue Spain declares war.
I understand that they are after my colonies in Africa. I easily defend them and Spain pulls out.
Jan 11, 1887: We agree to return to status quo.

Aug 15, 1886: I declare war on Russia.
As the before Austria had invaded, I try my luck once more. And miss fortune is with me, I capture most of Finland. Russia asks me for peace, (since Austira and I am standing outside of St. Petersburg.) their offer is much better than I would have hoped. I get Åland, Helsinki, and north Finland.
July 15, 1889: Peace, big success for me.

Nov 20, 1892: Spain declares war again, this time they have a plan.
They keep shipping soldiers from the mainland of Spain to their colonies in North Africa. I send my Royal Fleet to take care of the transports, it works fine, just a few slip past but my soldiers in North Africa defend themselves well.
July 12, 1894: Peace, return to status quo.

So if you are interested in real time strategy games, which resemble Civilisation.. Give this one a try. :)

PS: The game does not always look as boring as above, you can choose different layers (political, industrial etc) of the map.
Here is the "natural"

« Last Edit: November 23, 2003, 05:27:16 PM by fastson »
\"Behold, my son, with how little wisdom the world is governed\"
-Axel Oxenstierna 1648

Offline Samwise
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From the makers of Europa Universalis, Victoria: Empire Under the Sun.
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2003, 11:33:19 PM »
Looks very cool Fasty. I\'ll have to get it sometime. :)

Thanks for saving Denmark\'s ass btw. ;)
(thanks Chizzy!)

Offline fastson
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From the makers of Europa Universalis, Victoria: Empire Under the Sun.
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2003, 07:17:31 AM »
Originally posted by Samwise
Looks very cool Fasty. I\'ll have to get it sometime. :)

Thanks for saving Denmark\'s ass btw. ;)

Do it, right now I like it better then Civ3 :)

I had to declare war on you, you need protection. But I could give you your land back. Hmm. ;)
\"Behold, my son, with how little wisdom the world is governed\"
-Axel Oxenstierna 1648


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