In celebration of my finding the new \'Alien Quadriligiy\' 9-disc DVD box set a week \'n\' half early, I\'m posting this thread.
Name a sequel that in your
opinon surpasses the original...
Mine ...
The original Alien was a great film, but extremely slow. Cameron took the sequel, kept everything the original had , and then bumped it up a couple notches.
X2: X-Men United
I hate the original X-Men. Too much character development. Lame effects, terrible plot and the list goes on and on. The sequel has character development, nott o much, better effects and all around just a better movie. Since the time X-Men came out, I\'ve watched it a total of three times. Once in the cinema, twice on DVD. I\'ve already watched X2 around four or five times.
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
The darkest of the series and the only one worth watching in my opinion.
The Bride of Frankenstein
A classic Universal Horror film, that sets the bars for sequels.
Oh and the movie series box set to end all movie series box sets...

The Alien Quadrilogy Box Set features all of the films in the saga plus an additional bonus disc - groundbreaking sci-fi with tons of extras!! ALIEN - The original 1979 theatrical version and the 2003 Director\'s cut. ALIENS - The original theatrical version and the special edition. ALIEN 3 - The original theatrical version and a restored pre-release version with more than 30 minutes of never-before-seen footage. ALIEN RESURRECTION - The original theatrical version and an extended cut with alternate opening and ending sequences.
MSRP: $99 dollars / Release Date: 12/03/03 .
I found my copy and one other copy at Wal-mart earlier this week though, for the price of $79.