Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
They are already popping up everywhere, but there doesn\'t seem to be one single reliable source on rating these services.
One big hurdle these services will have to get over is selection. Someone like me, won\'t even consider buying a single track off them, because 99 percent of the time, they don\'t carry the music I listen to. Selection will be the key.
Well, I don\'t know about you, but there isn\'t much new music these days that I care for ~ at least as far as popular music goes. With the exception of a few emo bands like Coldplay, Travis, Guster, etc., anything new these days is based on image, lifestyle or attitude, rather than actual
musical inspiration. Metal, Rap, Pop, and most country and rock have become a process of selling image and attitude for as much $$$ as possible to whomever will pay... anyone from advertisers to the mall rats. that\'s why most commercial music comes and goes relatively quickly. Only the artists whose music is truly based on the joy of the music itself are the ones who have a chance of lasting.