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Author Topic: Hating George Bush, and loving it  (Read 906 times)

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Hating George Bush, and loving it
« on: December 03, 2003, 05:06:48 AM »

Hating George Bush, and loving it

By Wesley Pruden

Hating is fun, but too much of it, like too much garlic, can ruin a romance.
Hating can ruin a politician\'s romance with voters, too. You could ask some of the Republicans who thought they could dispatch Bill Clinton to oblivion if only they hated him hard enough.
Now it\'s the Democrats who must heed this caution. Hating George W. Bush has become the squalid pastime of some of our Beautiful People. Some of them are gathering tonight at the Beverly Hilton in Hollywood at the invitation of Laurie David, wife of the man who created the television show "Seinfeld," for something called "Hate Bush 12/2 Event."
"This is the most important meeting you can attend to prevent the advancement of the current extremist right-wing agenda," Mzz David wrote. "Do not miss this meeting. This will be a high-level briefing to discuss the strategies ... to affect what happens next November."
The Drudge Report, which obtained a copy of the invitation, lists the names of a dozen of the glitteries invited to come together to share the hate. Harold Ickes, who was Bill Clinton\'s deputy chief of staff and director of the 1996 Clinton-Gore re-election campaign, and Ellen Malcolm, founder of Emily\'s List, the feminist political-action committee, will preside. A rousing good time is expected to be had by all.
But you don\'t have to go to Hollywood to join the orgy. Internet sites are abuzz with hate. One of them keeps a "body count" of all the folk George W. and his family have put on ice over the years. Too bad that Owney Madden and Lucky Luciano, Frank Costello and Joey Gallo are still dead. They could take notes. Only last week the airwaves were awash with the hot scoop that it was Lyndon Johnson who presided over the Kennedy assassination, but one particular Internet site tells us no, the evildoing knave of Dallas was really George H.W. Bush, who also did in Hale Boggs, the Louisiana congressman who was a skeptical member of the Warren Commission. Mr. Boggs died when his plane crashed in the Alaskan wilderness and was never found. Now it turns out that the elder Mr. Bush arranged the plane crash. (Maybe Barbara loosened the spark plugs.) Nobody can arrange a plane crash with the speed and efficiency of this dynamic duo. The elder Bush is blamed for the crash that took the life of the wife of Howard Hunt, one of the Watergate burglars, because she had "information." George W. arranged the crash that killed Gov. Mel Carnahan of Missouri in the last days of his 2000 challenge of John Ashcroft. It\'s not clear how this helped George W., since the ghost of the governor won and his wife took Mr. Ashcroft\'s seat in the U.S. Senate. George W. gets around. He is said to have started the great anthrax scare when he sprinkled germs onto the desk of the photographic editor of the National Enquirer because he didn\'t like a photograph of his daughter published in the Enquirer. Elvis is a prisoner in the Bush basement in Kennebunkport.
Internet conspiracy theories are always convoluted if not necessarily imaginative, and usually make sense only to the spinners. But some of the hate-Bush movement thrives in more or less respectable quarters. The New Republic published a cover story by someone identified as "Jonathan Chait" (perhaps a nom-de-plume for someone who didn\'t want his real name associated with the piece), who wrote that he hates not only what George W. does, but the way he walks and talks and even hates what everybody else likes about the personable president.
Much of the mainstream coverage of the president\'s dash to Baghdad to have dinner with his troops reflects similar elementary-school hatred. Dana Milbank, who dabbles in Bush hatred for The Washington Post, sneered that "while the troops cheered the moment, it is too soon to know whether the image of Bush in his Army jacket ... will become a symbol of strong leadership or a symbol of unwarranted bravado." He resurrected Sidney Blumenthal, who was a White House lady-in-waiting to Hillary Clinton, to suggest that even the "image" of the president landing at night, without running lights and the cabin windows shuttered, was a mark of something approaching cowardice.
The hatred will darken and fester as the situation in Iraq improves, as it will, and as the economy pops and crackles to life, as it has begun to do. Only yesterday the Democrats thought such gods as they believe in were smiling on them, with Americans dying in Iraq and out of work at home. Now their laughter is dying in tears, while the rest of us cheer.

Wesley Pruden is editor in chief of The Times.

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Hating George Bush, and loving it
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2003, 06:38:38 AM »
I don\'t hate him.  But I definately don\'t like him very much anymore.  This coming from a registered Republican.... at least for now.

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Hating George Bush, and loving it
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2003, 06:41:50 AM »
That\'s interesting. I am a Republican as well and I am not happy with the spending. The question is, what is the alternative, Dean? There is no way I am voting for Dean!

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Hating George Bush, and loving it
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2003, 07:19:36 AM »
^^^Yeah, thats what sucks.
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Hating George Bush, and loving it
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2003, 12:04:46 PM »
Thats why you guys need to go democratic.... AL SHARPTON FOR PRESIDENT!

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Hating George Bush, and loving it
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2003, 09:43:42 AM »
I don\'t really hate him, I actually like some of his domestic plans for the country, and i consider myself a dem. I really am not big on any of the dem candidates as i hear all of them talkin bout raisin taxes. Bush is alright i\'am just totally against him when it comes to iraq. I felt that the sanctions were keepin saddam in check
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Hating George Bush, and loving it
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2003, 10:26:27 AM »
Yeah the whole Iraq thing has left a bad taste in my mouth.  We may have gone in there with the best of intentions, but I don\'t think the state their country is in now was worth how many people lost their lives.  

It\'s good to see the U.S. Ecomomy picking up speed.  With a lagging / declining ecomomy leading up to elections would be a death sentance for Bush.

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Hating George Bush, and loving it
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2003, 10:32:04 AM »
I want to be elected as the first US Dictator for Life.
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Hating George Bush, and loving it
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2003, 02:15:59 PM »
I\'m not toward any party. I don\'t like the party system, it tends to be a bit currupt. But if I have to side with a party, I say I\'d go more democrat now.
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Hating George Bush, and loving it
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2003, 06:22:54 AM »
You should never downright hate a president. I mean, I didn\'t like Mr.Socialist who had his pants down more often than not.. but he did do some positive things for this country. Internet privacy act, anyone? :) *cough*

Anybody who gathers at a hotel to help stop an "extremist" is an extremist themselves. What the hell, you folks didn\'t think Clinton was an extremist? In those 8 years this country\'s morale dropped like a damned anchor, inside and outside the White House! Not to say that other presidents, both liberal and conservative, haven\'t had their share of problems.. but I really didn\'t like what Clinton was doing over his tenure.

You didn\'t see me rallying to take him down though.
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Hating George Bush, and loving it
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2003, 07:22:25 AM »
Originally posted by Blade
You should never downright hate a president. I mean, I didn\'t like Mr.Socialist who had his pants down more often than not.. but he did do some positive things for this country. Internet privacy act, anyone? :) *cough*

Anybody who gathers at a hotel to help stop an "extremist" is an extremist themselves. What the hell, you folks didn\'t think Clinton was an extremist? In those 8 years this country\'s morale dropped like a damned anchor, inside and outside the White House! Not to say that other presidents, both liberal and conservative, haven\'t had their share of problems.. but I really didn\'t like what Clinton was doing over his tenure.

You didn\'t see me rallying to take him down though.

um i didn\'t notice the country\'s morale falling. Fact is if it were possible clinton would still be pres. All that crap tryin to impeach him for monica was pure political bs..nobody cared that he did what he done but the republicans. Hey if the guy wants to get his freak on,.that\'s his personal preference, as long as he\'s doin his job & it doesn\'t affect my wallet fine!
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Hating George Bush, and loving it
« Reply #11 on: December 19, 2003, 12:59:45 AM »
Does it matter who is in office. Clinton acted like a republican at times. Bush acts like a Democrat with his spending. It is all BS, and I will not vote in the next election. If I had a choice for prez I would choose none of the above. Same for all the congressman and senators that the political parties force me to choose from.

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Hating George Bush, and loving it
« Reply #12 on: December 19, 2003, 08:36:20 AM »
Bush is the worst thing to happen to the US, since his father. ( :D ) .

Yes, I hate Bush. He has done NOTHING in the Office that I agree with. He is a blood hungry old man, in my opinion.

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Hating George Bush, and loving it
« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2003, 01:49:19 PM »
ahh, it\'s good not to be american...  With dickhead morons running the country and all, it must suck.


howards a cock too.. Dammit... "shakes fist" damn u howard....
  Ǧµî✟å® Ĵµñķîë!!  

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Hating George Bush, and loving it
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2003, 01:54:58 PM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
Bush is the worst thing to happen to the US, since his father. ( :D ) .

Yes, I hate Bush. He has done NOTHING in the Office that I agree with. He is a blood hungry old man, in my opinion.

That is exactly the kind of left wing rhetoric that is coming from the dems. Maybe not as direct as your statement but the intent is still the same.

It is exactly why GWB is going to win. I hear no positives coming from the Democratic party and while the constant Bush bashing might work for awhile, most people will start to look the other way eventually.

Dean is going to have to do a lot better than run as the Anti-Bush.


There never has been a time when the power of America was so necessary or so misunderstood . . .
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