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Originally posted by Knotter8 yeah, some German site has animated GIF pics of thosereload animations. Game is shaping up nicely, althoughI\'d like a BIG press presentation update BEFORE the end of 2003. Guerilla needs to get it\'s act together on that.
Originally posted by Knotter8 Well, it\'s at the Gamers.at website in their KZ preview, which is very extensive btw. So here\'s linkage :KZ preview with gunreload GIFS
Originally posted by Green Meanie Is everything outside that foggy?It\'s got Turok-itus!!The textures etc look lovely though, that cammo\'s very MGS2.
Originally posted by ooseven is it just me or does that hand looks like its on the log so that the main character can climb/jump over that log ? is this what the dev\'s meant that its not just a floating gun FPS ?/ me gets all exited and rubs crotch
Originally posted by Unicron! Are there mor animated gifs?