Originally posted by Bozco
Just saw this after I posted mine but, I think conference champ games take away from bowl games and its a matchup that almost always was already played during the season so what fun is that. And in theory teams that were like 8-4 could go to the BCS bowls while a team thats 11-1 that lost only in their conference championship game could be left out. And that team could have the one loss to a team they already beat once earlier in the season, now thats a joke.
That\'s half the beauty of the Conference Title game, actually allows for a revenge factor. In actuality, there really aren\'t a lot of rematches. In the 6 Big XII Title games, only 2 of them have been rematches, with the team that lost the previous matchup getting revenge in the game, it hasn\'t gone the other way (2000 and 2001, Nebraska and Colorado winning the games). If you\'re better than a team, what better way to prove it by beating them twice.
It also gives a team that IS 8-4 something to fight for. If you\'re 8-4, you can still get a big payday (becuase lets face it, money talks in college athletics) by earning an automatic BCS game. If K-State doesn\'t destroy Nebraska and Oklahoma late in the season, they\'re looking at the Alamo Bowl to play Michigan State, instead of the Fiesta Bowl to play a more perennial Big Ten power in Ohio State.
We saw the result last year of a conference not having a Conference Title game in the Big Ten. Iowa and Ohio State both finished the Big Ten undefeated, and were co-champions. Iowa finishes #3 in the BCS (to get smacked by USC), and Ohio State goes on to beat Miami. Who\'s to say who was the better team, Brad Banks never got a shot to play Ohio State, so really, we never got to see who was better, and you want to prove who\'s the best by playing them, and not having a technicality decide it, right?
Basically, it just makes sense to play the game. Nobody has anything better to do that weekend, anyway, why not fill it with a plethera of great college football matchups against hated rivals? Hey, it\'s better watching a computer go to work to decide who\'s better

See Yuz.