Full schedule, every game, no extra cost. That\'s pretty cool. It\'s amazing to me how much Sirius is doing with their programming with XM still so far ahead. I guess the year head start did wonders for XM.
The unit is great though. I forget just how many commercials local shit pushes through our heads.
Oh yeah, one more thing......
I friggen sold all of my stock when it hit 2 bucks. I am so sad. I watched that stock go up to 2, down to 1.70, back and forth over and over again. I wanted to pick up some more shares so I sold it at 2.00. UGH!!! It went up and up that time. That stock will probably never dip down to 2 again. I bought it at 1.20 though so at least I made something.
Sorry, just on a rant. I want my stock back. I hate playing the market. I suck at it.
My latest disaster is I bought Handspring. Then they get aquired by Palm and I lost my butt. Hopefully it will get back up, but jeeze.. Thank God I have a ton of money elsewhere or I\'d jump off a cliff.