I\'m an ex Nivida user since the days of TNT2 Ultra and have switched to ATI for about 1 or 2 years....what can i say? ATI rocks in price performance. Also, image quality of ATI cards is just so much better!! Especially the 2D. I can\'t believe my desktop can suddenly look so good after switching from a GF2Ti to a ATI 9100.
Currently, I\'m using 9500 which is softmodded to 9700. It rocks. I haven\'t encountered much of a problem when running games either except maybe Splinter Cell which have some small image problems when AA is turned on...then again we all know this is a Nvidia game ported from the XBOX, so it\'s quite expected. (or maybe it\'s because i softmodded my card...heh-heh ).
So far I\'ve tried all these games with no problemo...Age of Mythology, C&C:Generals/Zero Hours, NFS:UG, Prince of Persia, SW:K.O.T.O.R., Freedom fighters, LOTR:ROTK etc etc.
If u still insist on Nvidia, i suggest u stay away from 5600 and get the 5700Ultra or the 5900XT. The 5600 just doesn\'t cut it.