Originally posted by Samwise
So on a whole you\'d be paying around 30% in taxes?
EDIT: I saw that in Texas there\'s no taxes. I\'m guessing that just means no taxes to the state of Texas, but you\'d still have to play X % to the federal state / government / whatever you call it. Is this correct? And what is the X amount - is it around 30% like Capcom described?
There is no state tax in Texas I believe. Some states don\'t have it, but most do. Federal tax and local tax are the only income taxes in states that don\'t have a state tax.
Sales tax is different... when you buy something you pay a certain percentage (ex. 6%) on top of the cost. A few states don\'t have a sales tax either - Delaware is one and when I lived in Philly, people would flock there to buy expensive items because of it.
As for your 30% question - taxes are based on a sliding scale/bracket system. If you earn more money you are obviously taxed higher (if you are really rich you get an accountant who can find loop holes for you!). Also your marital status and number of dependants have a lot to do with how much your Federal Witholding status is. I claim me, myself again (as head of household), my wife and my son. Some people pay higher taxes than others, some pay none, some pay taxes then at the end of the year get more back than they paid in!