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Originally posted by videoholic I like taking interstate off ramps (the ones that go in a circle) at very high speeds. Makes my chicky pissed, but it\'s damn fun. Until of course my tires give way. That would kind of suck butt.
Originally posted by Tyrant lol eclipse got owned,.. u know what the funny part is....its that the M3 wasnt even trying to race... coz if he was ready to race the eclipse wouldnt have stood a chance.
Originally posted by GigaShadow anyone notice the guys long fingernail on his pinky in the beginning of the "aftermath" video? :ghey: I wonder what he uses that for :rolleyes:
Originally posted by GmanJoe You don\'t know much about modded Eclipses, do you? Well, the ones that don\'t blow up, that is.
Originally posted by Tyrant well i wouldnt say i know much about them but i did once see a turbo\'d eclipse, now that was a fast ride.but other than that i really havent seen any eclipse (tho not highly modded) beat an M3.