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Author Topic: Mentally sick dude get\'s executed  (Read 1151 times)

Offline Living-In-Clip

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Mentally sick dude get\'s executed
« Reply #15 on: January 09, 2004, 10:25:52 AM »
Originally posted by GigaShadow
Jeffrey Dahmler, David Berkowitz, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy. etc were all mentally ill.   I suppose you think they shouldn\'t pay the ultimate price for their crimes?  Granted Berkowitz is still in jail, but he actually had a parole hearing in 2002!  Yeah our justice system is really harsh.  :rolleyes:

There are numerous others who were obviously mentally ill (Albert Fish, Eddie Gein, etc) who one could argue couldn\'t tell the difference between right and wrong.  People like these need to be weeded out and disposed of.  This does not mean I think anyone with a mental illness should be locked away or euthanized.  The ones who pose a threat to others and themselves should be dealt with one way or another.  I am sorry I don\'t share your philanthropist view.

I am also puzzled with your rant on how you can connect the treatment of a mentally ill criminal with the war in Iraq.  


Oh and by the way the reason this country went to hell is due to all of the liberal influences and diverse cultures ripping at the fabric of what it is to be an American.  Thank the ACLU.

And you\'re problem is you are to eager to kill. Not to mention you support to the death penatly, but the death penatly is suppose to protect people who are (1) innocent or (2) mentally ill and not aware of right or wrong. There is no reason to kill these people for something they cannot help.

And no this country went to hell along time ago. America is a cess-pool waiting for a revolution, in my opinion.

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Mentally sick dude get\'s executed
« Reply #16 on: January 09, 2004, 10:29:57 AM »
Some people are better off dead.  I have no compassion for those that would harm others whether they are sane or insane.  

You are right this country went to hell a long time ago.  America is a cess pool waiting for a good cleansing of those who do not conform.  ;)
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Offline Weltall
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Mentally sick dude get\'s executed
« Reply #17 on: January 09, 2004, 10:28:53 PM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
And you\'re problem is you are to eager to kill. Not to mention you support to the death penatly, but the death penatly is suppose to protect people who are (1) innocent or (2) mentally ill and not aware of right or wrong. There is no reason to kill these people for something they cannot help.

And no this country went to hell along time ago. America is a cess-pool waiting for a revolution, in my opinion.

Eager to kill? Or eager to punish?

Hell, I personally favor forced, harsh labor for capital criminals as an alternative (not to save their lives, but just to make their deaths take several slow, agonizing years AND to help repay their unending debt to society.)

But since that will never happen, my secondary belief is that if you take a life in cold blood, your own is forfeit. I don\'t care if you\'re mentally ill or not. If you steal someone else\'s right to live, you don\'t deserve it yourself. Criminals are not victims.
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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Mentally sick dude get\'s executed
« Reply #18 on: January 09, 2004, 10:41:30 PM »
On the average, it costs the US more to execute any given prisoner, than it would to keep them alive and have them do labor, such as picking up litter on the road, making their own food and the list goes on and on.

In today\'s world, there is no decent reason for capital punishment. When it was established, it was went to deter possible criminals of doing the crime, in fear of the death penatly. That has not worked. Now it is nothing more than a tool of vengence. This is why people still line up , people not effected by the person who was killed, or the criminal about to be killed, just so they can protest or watch it happen. In my opinion, the capital punishment is a sickening event we have carried over from older more barbaric times.

Offline Weltall
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Mentally sick dude get\'s executed
« Reply #19 on: January 09, 2004, 11:23:07 PM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
On the average, it costs the US more to execute any given prisoner, than it would to keep them alive and have them do labor, such as picking up litter on the road, making their own food and the list goes on and on.

That\'s why I favor this solution... 18 hours of hard labor every single day, stopping only for meals and toilet breaks. No reprieve at all. I think that would work better as a deterrent as well. I bet the idea of 18 hours of backbreaking forced labor every day until you die is a much worse fate than a little injection.

In today\'s world, there is no decent reason for capital punishment. When it was established, it was went to deter possible criminals of doing the crime, in fear of the death penatly. That has not worked. Now it is nothing more than a tool of vengence. This is why people still line up , people not effected by the person who was killed, or the criminal about to be killed, just so they can protest or watch it happen. In my opinion, the capital punishment is a sickening event we have carried over from older more barbaric times.

For those people, yeah. But what it really boils down to is not so much deterrence or vengeance as simple punishment. You pay the price for the crime. And all things considered, most murderers aren\'t quite as merciful as their deaths end up being.

As far as sickening events from barbaric times, sex is also one of those, is it not? :)
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Mentally sick dude get\'s executed
« Reply #20 on: January 10, 2004, 08:18:30 AM »
Only in America.

indeed, in other countries he would get stoned, or have an arm cut off, or his family would be shot in public square

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Offline Jumpman

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Mentally sick dude get\'s executed
« Reply #21 on: January 10, 2004, 10:13:04 AM »
Why would we let this guy rot in prison? If he\'s retarded and a killer then there\'s no hope for him anyway. Maybe he didn\'t even notice them slip it into his arm.

Originally posted by mm
indeed, in other countries he would get stoned, or have an arm cut off, or his family would be shot in public square



LIC...move to Canada.
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Offline Samwise
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Mentally sick dude get\'s executed
« Reply #22 on: January 10, 2004, 10:18:35 AM »
Originally posted by mm
indeed, in other countries he would get stoned, or have an arm cut off, or his family would be shot in public square

Har. So the US is only 75% on the absurd scale, yay.

I second the thought about making the crimals slave 18 hours a day - that way they get what they deserve (and it\'s much worse than death IMO) and we aren\'t being murderers ourselves.
(thanks Chizzy!)

Offline Living-In-Clip

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Mentally sick dude get\'s executed
« Reply #23 on: January 10, 2004, 10:24:23 AM »
Originally posted by Samwise
Har. So the US is only 75% on the absurd scale, yay.

I second the thought about making the crimals slave 18 hours a day - that way they get what they deserve (and it\'s much worse than death IMO) and we aren\'t being murderers ourselves.

Take rights away from them. Don\'t let them have TV\'s, magazines and make them wour 18 hours a day, then go back in their cell and I gurantee people would be scared of prison.

Offline Weltall
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Mentally sick dude get\'s executed
« Reply #24 on: January 10, 2004, 10:31:01 AM »
Yes. A fate worse than death.
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Offline Capcom
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Mentally sick dude get\'s executed
« Reply #25 on: January 10, 2004, 10:49:06 PM »
Originally posted by mm
indeed, in other countries he would get stoned, or have an arm cut off, or his family would be shot in public square


Not anymore. Did you not get the memo. Yeah Right. We freed those people.

They were all in Iraq. :D
« Last Edit: January 10, 2004, 10:51:25 PM by Capcom »

Offline Green Meanie
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Mentally sick dude get\'s executed
« Reply #26 on: January 12, 2004, 06:36:22 AM »
Originally posted by Capcom
Not anymore. Did you not get the memo. Yeah Right. We freed those people.

They were all in Iraq. :D


Don\'t think you can get away with bullshit statements like that when non-americans are present!

Trade one horror for another, that\'s the best that\'s happened so far.

Edit: Yeah, I know I promised not to row about that again but I can\'t help it, there\'s so much regarding Iraq to talk about and this self imposed restriction that exists purely for my sanity is driving me mental!
« Last Edit: January 12, 2004, 06:38:33 AM by Green Meanie »

Offline mm
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Mentally sick dude get\'s executed
« Reply #27 on: January 12, 2004, 06:48:09 AM »
so your saying the iraq\'s were better off with saddaam in power?
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Offline QuDDus
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Mentally sick dude get\'s executed
« Reply #28 on: January 12, 2004, 07:49:31 AM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
And all I have to say is you people are no better than any other street criminal who murders people. The only difference is, your killing is legal and you have the goverment backing you up. Not to mention you bible belt motherf**ker\'s still go by "an eye for an eye" philosphy.

The man is mentally ill. Do you know what that means? He was not completely aware of right and wrong. You are saying it is okay to kill someone, who has a mental defect that they cannot help or may not even know about. You\'re basically saying, we should just go out, get everyone who have mental problems and kill them all.  

I know you\'re intelligent, yet I am confused by such a stupid statement. You ignore the obvious. If someone is truly afflicted with such a mental illness, at the time of the crime or at any time, they may not realize right from wrong.

Personally, like I said, I think you are no better than any other murderer.

With all that said, it\'s stories like this that make me think America is one of most hyproctical and cold countries in the world. We preach peace, we have all these great things and we turn around and kill our own people. This is why the country has went to hell in a hand basket. America is a bloody thirsty beast, that doesn\'t get enough death. We send our people oversea\'s to get killed. We watch our own people kill each other, then we kill our own people  in the name of "justice".  In the meantime, we ignore anything important in our country. Our schools are some of the worst and our children grow up with no future , just to feed the beast, when their time comes. May it be sent oversea\'s in the name of some \'peaceful war\' or in the name of "justice".

Shuddup you seem very shallow. You obviously have never lost anyone close to you too violence. And I don\'t care what you say. Anyone who has the ability to pick up and gun or knife and kill someone knows what they are doing.
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Offline Green Meanie
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Mentally sick dude get\'s executed
« Reply #29 on: January 12, 2004, 08:01:07 AM »
Originally posted by mm
so your saying the iraq\'s were better off with saddaam in power?

I\'m just saying that to use the word \'free\' at this stage is utilising artistic licence, the job is far from done. Saddam is gone but it\'s total chaos in his wake as the power vortex gets slowly filled with terrorists while the west sits on their arses doing sweet f.a. about it.

And to add to the current subject, Loons should not be killed for killing, obviously something beyond their control was influencing them and for that we shouldn\'t meet out the ultimate justice, just lock them up forever.

If anyone kills and they know what they\'re doing then they should be given the death penalty, that\'s the black and white part of capital punishment.


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