And all I have to say is you people are no better than any other street criminal who murders people. The only difference is, your killing is legal and you have the goverment backing you up. Not to mention you bible belt motherf**ker\'s still go by "an eye for an eye" philosphy.
The man is mentally ill. Do you know what that means? He was not completely aware of right and wrong. You are saying it is okay to kill someone, who has a mental defect that they cannot help or may not even know about. You\'re basically saying, we should just go out, get everyone who have mental problems and kill them all.
If a person committed murder they should expect the same to happen to them.
I know you\'re intelligent, yet I am confused by such a stupid statement. You ignore the obvious. If someone is truly afflicted with such a mental illness, at the time of the crime or at any time, they may not realize right from wrong.
Personally, like I said, I think you are no better than any other murderer.
With all that said, it\'s stories like this that make me think America is one of most hyproctical and cold countries in the world. We preach peace, we have all these great things and we turn around and kill our own people. This is why the country has went to hell in a hand basket. America is a bloody thirsty beast, that doesn\'t get enough death. We send our people oversea\'s to get killed. We watch our own people kill each other, then we kill our own people in the name of "justice". In the meantime, we ignore anything important in our country. Our schools are some of the worst and our children grow up with no future , just to feed the beast, when their time comes. May it be sent oversea\'s in the name of some \'peaceful war\' or in the name of "justice".