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Originally posted by (e) Lepruchans in the Hood
Originally posted by EviscerationX \'ExistenZ\'...try sitting through the whole thing...I can\'t describe in words how crappy it is...
Originally posted by sabrina how about nightmare on elm street 6 freddy\'s dead with not sotalent roseanne barr
Originally posted by Capcom That was a pretty bad one if memory serves me right. Since Freddy vs. Jason came out today I may rewatch my freddy\'s tonight.
Originally posted by sabrina halloween 3
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip I picked it up, but won\'t get to watch it until Thursday night, as I have to work Thursday aslo. I rewatched my Freddy\'s not oh so long ago and I need to finish my Jason\'s..Oh and Croneberg rocks, tho I have yet to see the film in question.
Originally posted by Samwise Yeah, then his movie is sure to suck. I don\'t really see where his personal, um, affairs affects what other business he may be doing. I\'m sure there are lots of unsympathetic people in Hollywood already.
Originally posted by Capcom It felt like I was watching his own little sick fantasy with all the boys topless sunbathing a tinkling scenes.
Originally posted by Samwise Oooh, and you liked that. Hehe, just kidding. Yeah, if that\'s the case, then it\'s a bit odd.