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" See, I think drugs have done some good things for us. I really do and if you don\'t, do me a favor..Go home, take all your albums, your tapes, your cd\'s and burn them..Because you know what? All those musicians who have made that music that enhanced your life throughout the years........... Reallllllllllllll f**kin\' high on drugs..."
" "Today a younge man on acid relised that all matter is mearly energy condenced into a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness [expearencing itself subjectively], there is no such thing death, life is only a dream, and we are just an imagination of ourselves._
...Here\'s Tom with the weather...
Originally posted by Capcom I miss college. :sconf:
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip We need to get some acid.
I had a friend once he took some acid Now he thinks he\'s a fire engine It\'s okay until he pisses on your lighter Kinda smells kinda cool kinda funny anyway satan, satan, satan... I had a friend once he took some ecstasy Tried to marry me and every one in the room He was sort of loving kinda caring, kinda tried to f**k my lazy boy It got a bit messy all over the curtains, arm chair covers, throw pillows, and carpeting satan, satan, satan... I\'m getting bored again...
Originally posted by (e) Yeah LIC quit quoting to try to be cool. Your not.On the site; very interesting. Easily faked, although I believe its legit. Maybe one day Ill try it.