Well, my brother bought a $75 (tax not included yet) of a motherboard and CPU combo from Frys Electronic.
the CPU is AMD Athlon XP 2200+ like the one i am running right now which i bought in June of 2003.
Well, this black employeee recommend us to buy a $25 dollar CPU fan (heatsink), or a $30 one, or a $40 one.
I was like no way, the heatsink in the one i am running now only cost $10 and it runs at a speed of 5,200 RPM.
So, we didn\'t buy any heatsink.
we came home and i connect everything except a heatsink. And i try to turn on the compute without heatsink to see if the computer work. I know the CPU could be burnt without one, so I turn it off immediately after checking to see if the computer is working.
The next day, my brother bought a crappy $20 heatsink with an RPM of 4,500 from BestBuy.
After he connected it to the CPU. The computer does run, but it didn\'t boot to Windox XP. It show a blue screen with an "Error Message."
We try everything like changing different Video Card that my brother just bought to see if it works, took the Hard Drive and try to reformatted and reinstalled window xp on the computer i am running now.
After pretty much every attempt, the computer doesn\'t work. Still show blue screen with errors messages.
So, my brother return the CPU and motherboard. the employee acccept the motherboard but don\'t want the CPU because she said it was burnt. So, the motherboard return with a $30 refund and we lost about $45.
This makes me wonder about several things:
- Did Frys sell us a CPU lemon? Like the same of the store imply, Frys probably means frys the CPU.
- I told you before that i try to turn on the computer once without a heatsink to check if the computer is working, but i turn it off immediately. could this several seconds of turning it on burn the CPU
-The Bestbuy heatsink that my brother bought it from, have a dry crappy clay on the bottom of the heatsink instead of thermal grease. Could this crappy dried crap that looks like clay burnt the heatsink. And oh, could the 4,500 RPM isn\'t fast enough to cool it.
- The Ram my bro bought is a 512 MB DDR with PC3200 Or (400 Mhz). i check the Bios in computer because instead of showing XP 2,200 speed. it shows 1350 Mhz. After i change the CPU? speed from 100 Mhz to 132 Mhz. The computer start to act up and wouldn\'t boot to window. i realize i need to connect a pin in the motherboard to make it runs at 133 Mhz. After properly connected the pins, the computer finally read it as Athlon XP 2200 instead of 1350 Mhz. But the boot just show message error. Could improperly putting the speed of 132 Mhz instead of 133 Mhz burnt the CPU. I kinda doubt it.
So, does anybody here knows. Look at Soulgrind and other for help. Its suck we lost $45!