Now..., how do all these degrees compare ; USA - Europe ?
1st there\'s elementary school : all the same
2nd there\'s high school : USA all the same ?
here in Netherlands we have that devided into 3 levels ;
3rd there\'s college : do they call it all \'university\' in USA, or
maybe \'academy\' ?
in Netherlands it\'s like this ;
from MAVO you can goto MBO
from HAVO you can goto MBO and HBO
from VWO you can goto MBO, HBO and what we call University
I know that HBO graduates can graduate \'cum laude\' and \'baccalaureus\' (which probably translates into \'bachelor\' )
HBO also accommodates \'MasterClass\'.
I think what we call University, is like Harvard level. Ppl can graduate Phd there.
Now...I graduated from HAVO highschool in 1996 with grades good enough to transfer to VWO, but I opted instead to jump straight to HBO artsacademy. I got my Baccalaureus (Bachelor? )
there in september 2001 ( a week after the 11th

) with these grades :
Theory majors : 9 + 9
Practice majors : 8 + 8
Philosophy major : 7
Ppl with five 8\'s get Cum Laude

Well, I guess i \'ll take my comfort in the fact that the sum of my 5 grades is higher than the sum of five 8\'s :thepimp:
In Holland we have this study funding system which works different from USA scholarships i guess. Every student can get a one time funding by government. My HBO grades are good enough and qualified to go University. Of course, becuz i finished and graduated my funding had been used up. So I bridged over time in 2002 by just working and at the end of 2002 i had money to do a parttime computer graphics class at a commercial independant school. I graduated from that in March 03. Since August 03 I work at doing webdesign and stuff, parttime, while trying to create a good enough portfolio to make the jump into the pro- CGI biz