Originally posted by SER
THANK YOU! IMPACT BLUE (actually, go Bunta:p)
Basically every other show that everyone else has listed except the new Cartoon Network ones and then new batmans.
Though its been listed Voltron was the SHIT. I watched the original Dragon Ball but its all gay now. C.bebop is great and....uhm, yeah.
Speed Racer,
Bots Master
power rangers 0wned Vr Troopers
salior moon (well, back in the day)
Robotech (mentioned i know)
Old MTv ones
Danger Mouse (old Brit show)
Rude Dog
Atom Ant
Mickey Mouse
Tale Spin
Too many: cant think
Oh crap i forgot to add:
Where in the world is carmen sandiego
Jonny Quest (old and some new) (BOYEEE!)