So he has a wife, cheats on her multiple times with other women from the gym, almost nightly, then hacks them up into pieces and keeps whole body parts in his freezer without her knowing at all? She must be the most oblivious person in the world. No offense Clips, but don\'t give up your day job.

The idea about two people finding a dead body is pretty good. I actually recommend losing any and all speaking parts and sticking to the ambient sounds and a subtle soundtrack if at all possible.
Open up with two guys walking down the street, one bouncing a basketball in an oversized sweatshirt and the other drinking a near finished slurpee so you get the ripple sound effect when they try to drink the last bits of it. Have them turn down some alley with a heap of boxes and trash next to one of those 2-yard long dumpsters. Place the camera behind the kid on the left, the one who\'s bouncing the basketball, and walk with him so the kid on the right is presumably with him, but we see it from his vantage point and slightly to the left. Have the kid continue walking for a bit, bouncing his ball, then suddenly comes to a halt and stops bouncing his basketball. At this point, pan the camera around the front of the kid as he turns around 180 degrees staying on his left shoulder to see his friend standing in front of the heap of trash about 15 steps away with his slurpee in front of his mouth, but not drinking. Then show a close up of the kid with the basketball looking puzzled at his friend and then approaches him slowly.
When the kid gets to his friend, he continues to look at his face and his unblinking eyes and waves his hand in front of his face. The kid staring at the heap grabs his friend by the arm and turns him towards the heap -- do this whole shot from the vantage point of the heap of trash slightly lower to the ground, but not below the two kids waists looking up at them. As the kid turns, have his facial expression change from a look of curiosity to shock.
Next shot, change the angle to one between the two kids\' heads and behind them but slightly above them as well looking at this heap of trash with a dead body lying in it riddled with three bullet holes trailing across the chest and stomach and blood already spread throughout the white dress shirt he\'s wearing. The guy should be of medium build with a tie and a sports jacket with matching slacks. His shoes should be black and his body should be lying in a pool of his own blood so it looks like it\'s been there for some time, but not long enough to start getting maggots and flies.
The kids kneel down and start examing the body closely. From here, the camera is pretty much good anywhere so long as we get the look of the dead body as the guys see them, or of the expression on their faces. Kind of stare at this for a few seconds and keep the camera still, let the audience take this discovery in. To make it more interesting, put one of those pocket badges on the dead guys body with a bullet hole through it and blood splattering on it. Have the kid with the slurpee poke the guy with his finger and watch the dead guy\'s leg move slightly and then back to where it was. Have the kid with the basketball ricochet the basketball of the guy\'s head, into the wall behind him, and back into his hands. When the kid catches the ball, have the camera angle focused on the kid as he catches it from the vantage point of the dead body showing the ball recieved a bit of blood splatter from hitting the guy\'s head, but the kid doesn\'t see it from the way he caught it.
I, or you, can take it a number of directions from here, but before I even bother continuing, you should review what is here so far. If it\'s uninteresting, there\'s no point in me adding to this. Anyways, hope you like the start.