Alright, I\'m gonna jump on the bandwagon here. Times have changed, so has the opinion of women. LIC says that "I do not care what a woman thinks or feels. Women are vindictive creatures who only care about themselves and how to ruin the male. That is the modern day woman. They do not know their place in this world. Which, in my opnion, is behind the man. This world has been f**ked up by the femenist. It\'s that simple."
I feel that the role of women in this world have changed since the times of the Middle Ages. Hell, even in the middle ages, some women had businesses. One noble woman had her own brewery. Women today are more than that. They hold jobs, they manage households and can do pretty much what men can do.
"I like my women quiet. Quiet verbally and quiet sexually. Submissive socially and sexually. I don\'t like them to have opinions, to want to debate. I don\'t like them having sexual needs and being vocal about it."
I don\'t know if LIC was being sarcastic here or not but I am completely opposite about my chick friends than he thinks. I love it when they talk. I love to listen to them and its not a sexual thing. I listen because I care. I listen because I am the only one there at the moment for them to listen and maybe I can make them feel better. I want to give them hugs when they have a bad day because that helps cheer them up. I want them to have opinions that they can debate with me. I\'m on one right now with a friend of mine. She says she hates history but I absolutely love it. Its her opinion and I respect that.