I am using NEC CRT 19" flatscreen monitor (model :mulitsync 97F)
It said flat, but it doesn\'t look perfectly flat. Its kinda curve.
My other computer monitor\'s in my brother\'s room which is Sony 17" CRT flatscreen E200.
What I found interesting in NEC monitor is that the resolution seem to have some color banding, esp. on 1280 x 1024, and a slight color banding on 1152 x 864 resolution. Return and exchange for the same one, same color banding happens again. But other than that, I found the D6500k is so accurate. The color temperature is pretty close to the D6500k. I like the shadow detail, it looks damn gorgeous and the blue, green, and red is about right, not oversaturated like the sony monitor.
But, i calibrate my Sony 21" analog tv and 34" hdtv and they look great after calibration. Part of it thanks to videoholic who open door to it. But don\'t worry about it.